The box is opened to reveal a lovely note and some very nice stitch markers and

And here's the haul

What an amazing spoiler! Peaches and cream in a sunny fun color, and the Opal sock in Dumbledore (squee!) that I'd been wanting. A handsewn bag (love the colors!) and a GORGEOUS crocheted bag. Tasty snacks include yogurt covered gummi bears and peppermint bark (love it), some personalized bookplates, and a long Addi lace for making two at a time socks/magic loop. And patterns, including Elphine which I'd been wanting to do, and toe up cast on and knitting two at a time sock info. And the Magic Mirror socks! I'd not seen that patt before but it looks like fun. And those beads - I'm looking forward to what those will become.
Thanks so much Andi!! You're the best. I've sent your Owl back to Portland.